If you have cellulite, you want to minimize it so you can feel more confident in your skin. That’s why Capital Laser & Skin Care offers a range of treatments that reduce the appearance of skin dimpling and help you get the body you want. 

Chevy Chase Cellulite Treatment

*Individuals Results May Vary

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite refers to the dimpling or “orange peel” effects often seen on the thighs and buttocks. It forms when fibrous septae (structures under the skin) pull on fat deposits in a way that makes them protrude unevenly. When this happens, the surface skin looks wavy and bumpy. 

Cellulite Treatment Options

Usually, you can’t eliminate cellulite with diet or exercise. That’s because the issue isn’t excessive fat but how your body stores it. But you can reduce its appearance with the right treatment. That’s why Dr. Tanzi,  Dr. Peters, and Dr. Shah offer powerful procedures, designed to target the root of the problem. 


RESONIC™ is a non-invasive treatment by Soliton designed to reduce skin dimpling. It works using rapid acoustic pulse (RAP) technology that harnesses the power of sound energy to break up the fibrous bands holding fat in place. Over time, they break down, making skin appear smoother. 

Interestingly, RAP may also increase collagen by stimulating fibroblasts. These cells begin creating proteins that allow the body to generate a denser network of structures to hold fat in place, keeping it smoother for longer. 

RAP replaces traditional invasive procedures that require operating on the septae and separating them from the underlying muscle. 

Cellulite Treatment Consultations Available

Like RAP, it doesn’t involve any cutting or scarring of the skin – just a few small injections and bruising. So, again, there is minimal to no downtime. 

Benefits of Cellulite Treatments at Capital Laser & Skin Care

Here are the benefits of getting cellulite treatment with us: 

  • No downtime: With Capital Laser & Skin Care you don’t have to go under the knife to get rid of your cellulite. RESONIC™ is minimally-invasive yet highly effective treatment options. 
  • Greater confidence: Going to the beach or swimming pool can feel like an ordeal if you are conscious of your cellulite. But with treatment, you can fade how it appears – or reduce it dramatically – without surgery. 
  • Experts in cellulite treatment: Dr. Tanzi, Dr. Peters, and Dr. Shah specialize in RESONIC™ procedure, giving you ultimate peace of mind when you come to us for treatment.

I was very happy with the service at capital laser and skin care for cool sculpting on my arms. All the staff is very professional and made my treatment comfortable. The results from the first treatment motivated me to lose more weight and lead a healthier lifestyle. It almost felt like a spa day, highly recommended.

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about cellulite treatments? We would love to speak with you. Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation or call our Chevy Chase, MD office today at (301) 798-9699 to schedule your private consultation at our laser and cosmetic dermatology center, located just blocks away from Washington, D.C.