RESONIC™ Cellulite Treatment
Cellulite affects up to 90% of adult women and is frustrating to many who are living with it. Even women at their ideal weight develop cellulite, which presents with rippled skin and dimpling that makes the signature “orange peel” texture. Unfortunately, the fat cells that form cellulite aren’t the type the body can burn as fuel, so even the most targeted exercise cannot reduce the dimpled appearance. Now, there’s a remarkable, truly revolutionary treatment to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Capital Laser & Skin Care is thrilled to bring RESONIC™ by Soliton to our patients for the treatment and reduction of cellulite.
How Does the RESONIC™ Cellulite Treatment Work?
Cellulite’s classic dimpled appearance is due to fibrous bands called septae. These bands connect the skin to the muscle layer underneath, and when they are too short to accommodate the cushioning fat cells—typically of the thighs or buttocks—dimpling occurs. Before now, only invasive surgical procedures could release the septae, requiring some recovery. RESONIC™ is a non-invasive treatment that is available to cleave those bands without cutting or bruising or long recovery.
RAP stands for Rapid Acoustic Pulse, and it works just like the name suggests. Rapid acoustic pulses create a soundwave repeated 100 times per second that vibrates through the cellulite tissues, breaking apart fibrous septae. This releases the septae from their tight hold and allows the skin to return to a smoother appearance. RAP also stimulates the fibroblasts responsible for collagen fiber production. Collagen is the protein that gives skin its firm structure in youth, so the denser the network of fibers, the tighter, smoother, and more youthful skin appearance.
Originally created to shatter tattoo ink into minuscule particles the body can metabolize for complete tattoo removal, Soliton realized RAP had additional benefits on the appearance of cellulite, and as such, RAP’s FDA-approval for cellulite treatment with RESONIC™ is a giant step forward in the aesthetics market as a non-invasive, virtually pain-free procedure for reducing cellulite. Dr. Tanzi and Capital Laser & Skin Care are true experts when it comes to the RESONIC technology as they were involved with the original FDA clinical trials.
Am I a Good Candidate?
Patients who’ve grown tired of cellulite stealing their confidence who aren’t interested in invasive procedures with weeks of recovery time are ideally suited for RESONIC™ cellulite treatment. RAP treatment is well-tolerated by all patients. If you’re concerned about cellulite, a consultation at Capital Laser & Skin Care is a great place to start.
What is RESONIC™ Cellulite Treatment Like?
RAP’s breakthrough technology uses acoustic waves produced by advanced electro-hydraulics to create a plasma arc through fluid. This arc repeats 100 times per second for a shockwave the fibrous septae cannot withstand. It passes harmlessly through the epidermis without damaging the skin thanks to the shockwaves being divergent to reduce cavitation. It generates no heat and no micro-injuries from which to heal. As such, the treatment itself is comfortable and virtually pain-free.
Is There Any Downtime?
Patients participating in the clinical trials reported no post-treatment swelling, bruising, or bleeding of the tissues treated. With nothing to recover from, there’s no downtime. You can resume your busy schedule immediately.
What Results Can I Expect?
The outcomes are where RESONIC™ by Soliton using RAP technology truly shines. After a single 20-30 minute session, 91% of clinical trial subjects agreed the appearance of their cellulite improved, with a measurable 32.5% reduction of cellulite severity. With the stimulation of new collagen in the 3-6 months following the treatment, your skin will continue to improve in smoothness, tightness, and an overall youthful appearance.
RESONIC™ is truly a breakthrough technology with the potential to revolutionize the aesthetics market, and Capital Laser & Skin Care could not be more excited to be one of the FIRST in the world to make it available to their patients.
Take the Next Step
Interested in learning more about our RESONIC™ RAP cellulite treatments by Soliton? We would love to speak with you. Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation or call our Chevy Chase, MD office today at (301) 789-9699 to schedule your private consultation at our laser and cosmetic dermatology center, located just blocks away from Washington, D.C.