Patients have struggled for years to find a treatment solution for a double chin. Diet and exercise are somewhat effective; however, results rarely last more than a few months. Luckily, patients who would like to get rid of their double chin may now easily do so using a series of non-invasive Kybella treatments.

Kybella: Why It Works

Woman Crossing Her Arms

Fat cells may decrease in size but not in number. Because the area under the chin is very small and highly visible, extra fat, referred to as submental fullness, stubborn fat, or a double chin, can take attention away from attractive facial features. Reducing the size of fat cells through strict diet and exercise programs is not enough to help patients reach their aesthetic goals. For patients to definitively get rid of their double chin, the number of fat cells must be reduced. Kybella reduces the number of fat cells by disturbing the integrity of cells so they can be naturally eliminated by the body.

Kybella: Results

Kybella is the only injectable, non-surgical treatment option for a double chin that works. Visible contouring and improvements in the shape of the chin and jawline are seen shortly after treatment. Final results include a significant reduction in double chin size and a rejuvenated facial appearance. Since fat cells are removed from the body, results last a lifetime.

Kybella Before and After

Kybella: The non-surgical procedure for a double chin

Kybella is administered via injection. Topical numbing cream, tiny needles, and ice are used to ensure patients feel little discomfort during their treatment. Patients return home or to work shortly after their procedures. To deliver maximum results, multiple treatments (usually 2 or 3) are performed at 3-month intervals.

Kybella: Candidates

Kybella is the ideal treatment option for men and women who (1) cannot improve the appearance of their chin using diet and exercise alone and (2) want to improve their facial aesthetics without undergoing an invasive procedure. Treatment is usually reserved for patients with no serious medical conditions or illnesses. Patients who have a positive mindset and a clear understanding of their aesthetic goals receive the best results. Patients who are interested in treatment are encouraged to schedule an initial consultation at our center to determine if they are candidates.

Kybella: Scheduling an Initial Consultation

At Capital Laser and Skin Care, we believe in putting patients first. Our team of board-certified dermatologists listen to patients’ aesthetic goals and desires and come up with customized treatment plans to help meet them. They have helped hundreds of patients using Kybella treatments. Patients who are ready to say goodbye to their double chin may do so by requesting an appointment online or contacting our office in Chevy Chase, MD at 301.798.9699.