It’s a frustrating condition that affects up to 90% of women, and it can have a major effect on how you feel about your body. While cellulite is extremely common, it also goes deeper than your skin, requiring targeted treatments to smooth the dimples and unevenness. At Capital Laser & Skin Care, we offer several options for restoring your confidence by getting rid of your cellulite.

Sofwave™, Resonic™ Chevy Chase & Washington Dc

What Causes Cellulite?

Many factors contribute to the development of cellulite. The fact that it affects women so much more often than men points to a strong hormonal influence. While fat accumulation also contributes, the fat that adds to cellulite is the kind that does not respond well to weight loss. 

The underlying cause of cellulite is septae, fibrous collagen bands that create connections between the skin and underlying tissue. This effect creates dimples and causes fat to bulge up between the fibers for a bumpy appearance. Sofwave™ and RESONIC™ treat these issues in different ways. 

Sofwave™ vs. RESONIC™ for Cellulite Treatment

The best cellulite treatment for you depends on your skin elasticity, the severity and appearance of your cellulite, and many other factors. We will work with you to find the right one for your needs. 


Sofwave™ is an FDA-cleared skin tightening treatment that uses SUPERB™ (Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam) technology. This focused ultrasound energy reaches into the dermis, triggering fibroblast cells there to increase their collagen production. This added collagen makes your skin firmer and restores your skin’s natural thickness to make bulges and dimples less noticeable. Sofwave™ is a no-downtime treatment that fits into busy schedules.

Sofwave™ Treatment Consultations Available


RESONIC™ treats cellulite using Rapid Acoustic Pulse (RAP) energy. These pulses create vibrations that break up the fibrous bands, releasing the dimples. At the same time, it triggers collagen formation so you see improvements in your skin’s firmness and tightness. This dual effect can provide dramatic improvements. Because it does not generate heat, it works very comfortably and does not require downtime. 

During your consultation, we will assess your needs and determine which option will have the best results against your cellulite. The results of both are long-lasting, with additional collagen formation lasting a year or more. The septae treated with RESONIC™ will not return, but new ones may become visible. 

Am I a Candidate for Sofwave™ or RESONIC™?

If you have cellulite, you are most likely a good candidate for one or both of these procedures. Both use types of energy that are safe on any skin tone, and both fit into your demanding schedule. Candidates should have realistic expectations and no skin conditions or injuries in the treatment area. These treatments may not be recommended if you have certain medical concerns. 

I am 100% thrilled with the results by Dr. Tania Peters and the team at Capital Laser & Skin Care for my wrinkles and age spots. She also does thorough skin exams to keep a close eye on my multitude of moles.

Take the First Step

Interested in learning more about Sofwave™ and RESONIC™? We would love to speak with you. Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation or call our Chevy Chase, MD office today at (301) 798-9699 to schedule your private consultation at our laser and cosmetic dermatology center, located just blocks away from Washington, D.C.